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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Make Up and Acne: Picking Cosmetics That Don't Cause Pimples

Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology’s 2003 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, dermatologist Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, discussed dermatologists’ best cosmetic bets for keeping sensitive, acne prone skin looking and feeling its best.

Dr. Draelos writes, "Women should know what type of ingredients to look for when they’re purchasing products at beauty counters or drugstores, as well as know how to properly use those cosmetics once they bring them home."

To find your ideal makeup that will not induce acne, Dr. Draelos offers the following recommendations:

1. Think powder, not liquid

Powder cosmetics reduce shine and contain relatively few preservatives and other ingredients that can cause skin irritation. Moreover, powder cosmetics are much less likely to cause problems for women with sensitive skin than liquid foundations.

2. Do not over strip your skin's moisture with makeup removers

Removing waterproof cosmetics, like mascara, requires a special solvent. This solvent also removes sebum, the oily substance made by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Without this oil barrier, skin is exposed to potential irritants that can cause skin eruptions and pimples.

3. Keep your cosmetics fresh

"Women should keep track of cosmetic expiration dates and throw out any items that have passed their peak," cautioned Dr. Draelos. "Old make-up products may have spoiled or become contaminated, a particularly important point when it comes to eye products."

Typical freshness lifespan for cosmetics:

* 1 year for foundation and lipstick

* 3-4 months for mascara

* 2 years for powder foundations and eye shadows

It is also important to wash make-up brushes and sponges regularly since they can harbor dirt and germs that will aggravate sensitive skin.

4. Black eyeliner is skin friendly

Women with sensitive skin will find that dramatic black is best when it comes to eyeliner and mascara product colors. Dermatologists feel that black is the least allergenic of all colored cosmetics like eye shadow and mascara.

5. Pencil in your eyes

According to Dr. Draelos, "Pencil eyeliner and eyebrow pencils are wax-based and contain pigment and minimal preservatives. They are much less likely to cause problems than liquid eyeliners that contain latex and may cause problems in latex-sensitive individuals."

Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology’s 2003 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, dermatologist Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, discussed dermatologists’ best cosmetic bets for keeping sensitive, acne prone skin looking and feeling its best.

Dr. Draelos writes, "Women should know what type of ingredients to look for when they’re purchasing products at beauty counters or drugstores, as well as know how to properly use those cosmetics once they bring them home."

To find your ideal makeup that will not induce acne, Dr. Draelos offers the following recommendations:

1. Think powder, not liquid

Powder cosmetics reduce shine and contain relatively few preservatives and other ingredients that can cause skin irritation. Moreover, powder cosmetics are much less likely to cause problems for women with sensitive skin than liquid foundations.

2. Do not over strip your skin's moisture with makeup removers

Removing waterproof cosmetics, like mascara, requires a special solvent. This solvent also removes sebum, the oily substance made by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Without this oil barrier, skin is exposed to potential irritants that can cause skin eruptions and pimples.

3. Keep your cosmetics fresh

"Women should keep track of cosmetic expiration dates and throw out any items that have passed their peak," cautioned Dr. Draelos. "Old make-up products may have spoiled or become contaminated, a particularly important point when it comes to eye products."

Typical freshness lifespan for cosmetics:

* 1 year for foundation and lipstick

* 3-4 months for mascara

* 2 years for powder foundations and eye shadows

It is also important to wash make-up brushes and sponges regularly since they can harbor dirt and germs that will aggravate sensitive skin.

4. Black eyeliner is skin friendly

Women with sensitive skin will find that dramatic black is best when it comes to eyeliner and mascara product colors. Dermatologists feel that black is the least allergenic of all colored cosmetics like eye shadow and mascara.

5. Pencil in your eyes

According to Dr. Draelos, "Pencil eyeliner and eyebrow pencils are wax-based and contain pigment and minimal preservatives. They are much less likely to cause problems than liquid eyeliners that contain latex and may cause problems in latex-sensitive individuals."

Naweko San-Joyz helps people look better. You can get started by using her natural beauty recipe ebooks located at http://www.noixia.com/blog

Acne Blemish Treatments That You Can Use

The type of acne blemish treatment that is best for you depends on the severity of your acne problem. Please consult your dermatologist to determine what types of treatments will be most effective for your particular acne problem. Your doctor may prescribe simple lotions as well as oral medications.

Mild Acne Blemish Treatments

If you are dealing with mild acne, treatments you might want to consider using include gently cleansing your skin with mild soaps like Neutrogena and Dove. You might want to consider using benzoyl peroxide known by such names as Clearasil and Benzac since they can help unplug your pores. Alpha-hydroxy which is used to dry out your acne blemishes will cause the peeling of your top skin layer. Some experts suggest Tea tree oil as an acne blemish treatment because of its ability to destroy bacteria.

It is a known myth that acne is caused by bad dieting, which is not true. Eating fatty foods and chocolate, while they may not be healthy in other ways, will not cause acne. On rare occasions an allergy to certain foods may make your acne worse, so if you notice a pattern between what you eat and outbreaks of acne, you should avoid those foods. You should also make sure you drink plenty of water each day to cleanse your skin from the inside.

Some people prefer using the cleaning strips that clean out skin pores. Salicylic acid is also recommended by experts as an acne blemish treatment and some recommend Propa PH and Stri-Dex. Use all the products as directed on the packages since over using these products, in some cases can make your acne problem worse. If theses treatments are ineffective you might want to consult your doctor or dermatologist.

Wash your face in a gentle fashion once or twice a day with a gentle soap or an acne wash. Experts in the field strongly suggest that you do not squeeze your pimples since this action can cause scaring, infections and make your acne problem worse. You may require the services of a professional to drain cysts and big pimples. Depending on his diagnosis your doctor can provide you with a prescription for stronger medications for acme blemish treatment. Your doctor may simply suggest a lotion that helps to unplug your skin pores or antibiotic lotions.

Moderate to Severe Acne Problems

Cysts and nodules which are considered to be deep acne blemishes can leave unwanted scars on your skin. If you have this problem please see your doctor immediately since he can provide you with antibiotics that can stimulate the healing process for your scars. Acne blemish treatment for moderate to severe acne may require stronger drugs compared to over the counter products and your doctor might recommend a combination of treatments. Retinoid, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, taking antibiotics orally and prescription oral retinoids might be suggested by your physician. Acne can be a mild problem or seve.

cystic acne scar removal?

Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must Do in order to maintain your pores clear and clean, what you should do to find out how to get rid of acne marks and understand lighten acne scars

You will also learn how to reverse the acne situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.

Skin Doctors Know The Best Acne Treatment For You

All of us experience acne at certain point in our lives and having acne can be devastating and embarrassing.Some of visit our skin doctors and ask for acne treatments while other follow home remedies. Doctors know what the best treatment is for acne and consulting them can do you a lot of good. Treatment can range from a few weeks to several months.

It is important to remember a few things when visiting a skin care specialist. Dermatologists and other skin care specialists are often very busy with lots of clients because there are so many people in the world that suffer from acne outbreaks. Don’t let this challenge pull you down. A doctor is concerned about your condition and wants to extend his help. You can maximize your visit when you see them with some of these tips. You can overcome your acne sooner by having effective doctor visits. It will also help you save money and time.

The first thing that you have to do is to not be afraid to ask questions about your problem. Bear in mind that we all have different skin types. Basically, a treatment that can work for onee person does not necessarily mean that it is going to work for you. Proper information about the particulars of your condition will aid you to better understand your skin condition. Writing down any specific questions you may have to make sure you cover all the topics you want to know about is essential.

Good communication is the most important aspect of having an effective consultation with the doctor. You are only hurting yourself by keeping some facts or aspects about your condition from the dermatologist. You are also doing the same thing when you are giving them an incomplete knowledge of the facts. The doctor can only base his diagnosis on what you have told him. Trying to be thorough with the details about your acne plays a major role in dealing with your problem. You should inform them how long you've had it, what other treatments you’ve tried before, and any other factors that you think may played a role. Tell them how it is affecting you emotionally and socially so that they will have a clue just what you're problem is.

Once you and your doctor discussed the treatment you will undergo, make sure you write down notes or memorize the details given by your doctor. Understand teh right way to apply the treatment, length of time it will take before results can be seen and the number of times the treatment should be apply in a day.You must also be sure to find out of the side effects that go along with the use of the treatment if there is any. It's because it will make you better prepared for any problems that may arise. Set a follow-up appointment with you dermatologist and discuss the expected end result in a few weeks time. You will know sooner whether your current method is working or not if you do know about the treatment and looking for any expected result.

Bear in mind that there several treatments that are available in the market that may either work better or worse for different people. Don’t lose hope if the first method that you tried did not gave you any positive results. It is always better to work with your doctor to achieve remarkable results that you want.

Mikaela has been writing articles for about 2 years now focusing on proper skin care. Her latest website provides the best tips and treatment for toenail fungus . She also knows a lot of beauty products that you can choose from such as Dermajuv best price and many others.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Understanding Just What Causes Acne

As with many areas of medicine, the causes of acne are not fully understood although there are several aspects of the condition which have been well research and about which we do have a pretty good idea.For example, we know that acne is associated with both hormones and sebum. Acne will strike about eighty-five percent of all teenagers and this is a time in our lives when our hormone levels rise dramatically and when androgen levels increase in both girls and boys.

We also know that the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (the natural oil which is found in hair follicles) are also stimulated at this time, especially on the face, neck, chest and back. Now the fact that we produce excessive sebum is not in itself a real problem, as long as this excess oil is allowed to escape to the surface of the skin where it can be simply washed off with soap and water. In this case it may cause a very slight problem and produce some blackheads, but it is otherwise quite harmless. However, if the pores of the skin become clogged so that this excess oil cannot escape then problems can begin to develop.The build-up of excess oil will result in pressure which can cause follicles to rupture and an ideal environment is created for bacteria to grow. Now, excess oil, dead skin cells, bacteria and white blood cells all combine to produce the inflammation and pus which we know as acne.We also know that certain drugs can also play a part in the development of acne and this is especially true of barbiturates. Anabolic steroids have also been well researches and are known to contribute significantly to the problem of acne. These drugs, and indeed drugs in general, should not be taken other than for a specific medical purpose in order to avoid aggravating problems with acne.Heredity is also know to play a part in acne although, as yet, we are not really sure just how significant a part it plays and this is one area which is still under active research. Nevertheless, statistics do clearly show that acne runs in families and the question is whether this is the result of genetics or results from such things as diet or other factors which may be common within a family.

Having mentioned diet this too, along with skin care, is another important factor when it comes to acne. These are however relatively minor factors and the old myth about acne being caused by eating chocolate has thankfully been put to bed now. A poor diet can however lead to poor skin conditioning and when we then add in inadequate skin care this can contribute to acne. More important however in the case of food, are those foods which stimulate the production of sebum or affect the levels of certain hormones.Of course there is little that we can do about such things as heredity and we will all have to pass through the teenage years so there is a pretty fair chance that most of us will suffer from acne.

We can however choose our diet and take care of our skin and in both of these respects, if we cannot stop an acne attackFree Web Content, we can certainly help to lessen its severity and aid its passing.

ProactiveAcneCreamTreatment.com covers all aspects of acne treatment including natural comedonal acne treatment and using steam for acne

How to Get Rid of Acne – Diet for Acne

Diet plays a significant role to get rid of acne naturally. When treating acne, always keep in mind that you are looking for long-term solution and not just a one-time solution for existing acne. Acne is a skin condition that can recur if it is not treated properly. You want to have a skin care system that not only help you to get rid of acne but also is capable of preventing new ones from forming.If you are looking for how to get rid of acne, this article has covered the do’s and don’t to help you cure your acne. Stress, Anxiety, Soft drinks, Chocolates, Poor sleep, Dry skin, Sun cream, excess hot or cold water, moisturizer and Fast foods are the main reasons for appearance of acne. Proper diet is the most important factor for acne cure. If you are taking unhealthy diet it will be reflected in your skin. Acne occurs when the natural oils of the skin gets clogged in the pores. Acne is common in the onset of puberty when the body starts to produce hormones. A simple diet can cure acne naturally.

Eating fiber-rich foods like fruit, vegetables and cereals help to clean out your digestive tract.Fried food, animal food, dairy food, sugar, tea or coffee, white flower, hydrogenated fats and alcohol is not good for skin. If you are really looking for natural treatment for acne, you have to change your diet. Below are some do’s and don’t to get rid of acne:Do- Take proper sleep – It will reduce your stress, which can control your hormone levels and increase the body ability to fight against skin condition and diseases - Remove your entire make up at bed time- Use normal temperature water for face wash- If your skin is dry you have to be more careful in selecting the sun creamDon’t- Fast food like burgers, chips, oily foods must be avoided- Chocolates are very high in sugar and fat. They can be harmful for your acne- Soft drinksFeature Articles, fruit juices should be avoided as these are bad for acne- Avoid using very hot water or very cold water- Alcohol should not be used if you want to get rid of acneI hope this article has covered some effective natural cures for acne that will help you to cure your skin problem naturally without any side effects. These natural remedies for acne are considered the safest way to fight against the acne. Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Know more natural Home remedies for acne. You can also find home remedies for all other common ailments at www.home-remedies-guide.com

Embarrassed by Acne - Teen Acne Information

Teenage or adolescence is the convergence of childhood and adulthood. In this period the mental growth is still incomplete and the maturity level is yet unattained. Also it is that period of life where people stress on beauty and external appearance more than anything else. Acceptance in peer group becomes an important aspect; socializing with people outside family is a common tendency of the developing young adult. In this scenario, if a serious damage in the overall appearance comes in between then it might result in a substantial source of embarrassment. The consequence of this event is not as simple or easy as it sounds since it could exert a massive injury to the person’s self-confidence by heightening the level of frustration to an extreme degree. Nevertheless, this adverse impact of acne vulgaris is not atypical to teens and young adults.

People embarrassed by acne must learn to take it easy. Acne is a very common skin disease and in spite of the fact that there is no permanent cure as yet, it is could be successfully controlled and medically prevented; even the scars could be fixed with innumerable modern medicinal and surgical options within one’s reach. A victim, embarrassed by acne, also feels ashamed of the repulsive appearance and subsequently develops a feeling of shyness due to which one prefers to be alone instead of discussing the problem with anyone, not even a physician. This is why their acne problems remain untreated and the reactions are often misinterpreted.

If a person is embarrassed by acne, he or she should never be left alone with their illogical fear, and frustrating thoughts. Parents of teen or adolescent acne victims must always be informed of what is cooking in their minds. Any sort of underestimation about their problem expressed in the behavior of parents or other concerned persons might lead them feel deserted and misinterpreted. It is not so easy to rationalize things to an adolescent as compared with an adult person. Still, attempts must be taken so that they start believing in the importance of matters other than outward appearance. Get help of professional psychological assistance if you feel that things are going out of hand. Besides, they also must be convinced about the trustworthiness of new advancements in medical science so that they could break the barrier of shyness and approach for proper dermatological advice and treatment. Ridicule or harsh comments on their abnormal behavior or unpleasant look might invite greater dangerFeature Articles, therefore have patience while dealing with them and try to control such reactions.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for http://www.healthatoz.info/, http://www.health-disease.org/ and http://www.health-care-articles.info/ .

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Blue Light Acne Treatment – The New Way To Treat Mild Acne

With the recent FDA approval of the use of blue light therapy, and the fact that ultra violet light is no longer used in blue light therapy, a new and improved form of acne treatment has stormed onto the scene. Blue light acne treatment has never been safer and more effective.

How does it work?

Blue light acne treatment works by killing acne causing bacteria, the P acnes. It is also being used to treat inflammatory acne vulgaris in some cases. Patients receive the blue light acne treatment is increments. It is normally an 8 session treatment period that is usually broken down to twice a week treatments. The sessions last approximately 15 minutes. When treating acne vulgaris the blue light may be used in conjunction with aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the acne problem.

What are the side effects of blue light acne treatment?

There are very few side effects associated with blue light therapy, and the side effects that are present in some are very mild. Side effects include some temporary pigment changesHealth Fitness Articles, some swelling and also dryness of the skin in the treated areas. The blue light treatments are very gentle and do not harm surrounding tissues in any way.

What are the expected results from the blue light acne treatment?

After routine treatments of about 2 to 4 weeks the majority of patients have reported a reduction in the amount of acne that is present. When used in conjunction with ALA it will provide a long term solution to overactive sebaceous glands. The normal results are a 60% reduction after 4 weeks of treatment.

Blue light therapy can also be used in conjunction with red light therapy. The red light promotes faster healing of the skin. It has been reported that healing occurs up to 200% faster when blue and red light treatments are used combined. Blue and Red light therapy is effective for about 86% of people. This treatment has been effective for about 86% of people being treated.

Blue light acne treatment is available from a dermatologist and the procedure performed in their clinics. Blue light acne treatment can be purchased for home use but it is recommended that a dermatologist oversee its use.

To read about other acne treatment, including laser acne treatments visit http://acne-treatment.datafeet.com.