It appears on chest, back, and hips. Back acne is often quite stubborn. In severe cases, many nodules and cysts grow on the back, causing a lot of pain and inflammation. It is harder to treat acne on the back than on the face.What Causes Back Acne?Like acne on the face, back acne is basically caused by hormonal imbalance. It is to a certain degree hereditary in nature. However, perspiration and tight-fitting clothes play a villainous role in causing acne on the back. Hence we see that physically active people suffer from it more often than others showing less physical activity. Tight-fitting clothing does not allow the perspiration to evaporate easily.
This trapped sweat, mixed with the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, causes the skin pores on the back to clog. The result is acne. To prevent acne, therefore, take a shower after you return from your active exercise.Treating Back AcneIf the back acne is of a stubborn nature, the doctor may get you an oral prescription of antibiotics like tetracycline or minocycline. The skin on back is tougher as compared to that on face. Accordingly, more aggressive products are used to treat acne on the back. These include products like Retin A cream or a ten-percent benzoyl peroxide wash. In even more sever cases, the drug Accutane is used in doses that are higher than those prescribed in facial acne.
If the acne on the back is mild, personal care can alleviate the condition. Take a salicylic-acid-based cleanser and wash with it daily, soon after perspiring. Also, use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid pad to wipe the affected area. This will kill bacteria that harbor the accumulated sweat. After this, use an alpha hydroxy acid-based body moisturizer, which brings about exfoliation of the skin but does not let the skin to dry out. To treat pimples, apply a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide at night.Back Acne PreventionTo prevent acne attack on the backComputer Technology Articles, wear clothes made of cotton and apply powder to keep the skin dry.
Antiperspirants can also be used on the back but not when a tough physical exertion is going on. This is important because sweating is important to cool down the body or else overheating can harm you. Take care of cleanliness during work and sleep so as to keep the bacteria away. Shower after sweating. Develop the habit of changing your shirt at least twice a day. This helps avoid bacteria.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Back Acne Treatment - Coping With Back Acne
10 Natural Acne Home Treatments
Does a certain acne treatment you are using cause nasty side effects? Maybe you are paying good money for a treatment that is not living up to expectations? Before you run off to the drug store to purchase another acne treatment follow some of the following tips for natural acne home treatments.
- Acne Home Treatment #1 - Grind nutmeg with un-boiled milk and apply on acne for 1-2 hours. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.
- Acne Home Treatment #2 - Make a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
- Acne Home Treatment #3 - Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Note that this remedy is not for sensitive skin
- Acne Home Treatment #4 - Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.
- Acne Home Treatment #5 - Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.
- Acne Home Treatment #6 - Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
- Acne Home Treatment #7 - Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.
- Acne Home Treatment #8 - Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on acne pimples and keep up to 1 hour, then wash.
- Acne Home Treatment #9 - Make a paste of salt in vinegar. Rub it on the pimples. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
- Acne Home Treatment #10 - Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.
Most of the ingredients are found right there in your own kitchen. So, next time before running off to the drugstore to pay top dollar for the next great acne treatment give some of these natural home acne treatments a try.
Laser Acne Treatments for Acne Scars
In the initial stages of this method of acne treatment, the affected skin's surface was sculpted or vaporized by means of ablative lasers. However, over the years the use of ablative lasers has been reduced for laser acne treatment because of the long downtime of the ablatives and some possible complications.
New laser acne treatment techniques like Fraxel are centered on promoting the growth of collagen (connective tissue) beneath acne scars. These techniques cast no damage to the skin surface and hence are increasingly becoming popular. Three more important techniques of these are: Smoothbeam laser, Vbeam Laser, and Fraxel laser.Smoothbeam Laser In case of the Smoothbeam laser treatment, first a topical local anesthetic agent is applied to the affected area. A second before employing the laser pulse, a cooling cryogen spray is released on the skin. This makes the treatment fairly comfortable. After the treatment of scars with Smoothbeam laser, very little redness remains on the skin and that too disappears in a few hours time.
Vbeam LaserThe Vbeam Laser along with Starlux, Ellipse and Medilux Intense Pulsed Light Systems (IPLs) are all very useful laser acne treatment techniques, especially for treating red acne scars. The target of these specialized systems is the blood vessels in the acne scars. With their sharp and focused energetic beams, they make the scars less prominent. These lasers work for a range of acne scars: flat, raised, and depressed. Laser acne treatment with the Vbeam and IPLs are not painful and do not require a long downtime after the procedure is over.Fraxel LaserFraxel Laser literally remains the revolutionary technique in the laser acne treatment of acne scars and is now the world’s first non-ablative resurfacing laser (done without CO2 laser).
The procedure of Fraxel Laser Treatment is forming numerous tiny, deep columns of treatment in the skin. These columns are termed micro-thermal zones. This method focuses on terminating old pigmented cells of the top skin (epidermis). The columns also penetrate deeper into the dermis layer of the skin and remove imperfections like acne scars. Precision of the Fraxel laser can be indicated by the fact that it penetrates the dead, protective layer of the skin (the stratum corneum) without causing it any harm. AlsoArticle Submission, Fraxel Laser Treatment does not injure or affect the surrounding tissues but precisely targets the scars.
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Cause of Acne Revisited
The fact is, the cause of acne is not entirely known. Doctors know what factors can bake acne worse, but what makes one person have acne and another person not have it is still unknown.Many believe acne is caused by genetics. It seems to be that if your parents struggled with acne as teens, you will too. Heredity is a possible cause of acne. If you struggled with acne, do not be surprised if you children do as well.Puberty seems to be a cause of acne onset. Doctors believe that the hormones, which are called androgens, which are increased during puberty, may be a cause of acne.
The androgens make the sebaceous gland enlarge. When it enlarges, it creates more sebum, which clogs the pores and can be a cause of acne. Similarly, the hormones associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle can bring on an onset of acne. The same applies to pregnancy hormones. Stress also brings on hormonal changes and can cause acne flair ups.There seems to be an indication that certain drugs, including lithium and androgens, can be a cause of acne. And yes, cosmetics can make acne worse, because many cosmetics are grease based, and the grease can cause the follicle cells to stick together, creating clogged pores. Finally, irritants to the skin, such as tight collars or backpacks, can create or worsen acne breakouts.
Common Myths About AcneBut there are many common myths about the cause of acne. For example, has your grandmother ever told you that eating chocolate can make acne breakouts happen? Simply not true. Food has very little affect on causing acne. There seems to be an indication that long-term changes in your diet can help reduce acne, but it is not a cause.Also, another myth says that someone with acne has dirty skin. Dirt is not a cause of acne. It seems to be that hormones and grease are more likely the causes of acne breakouts.
People with acne can clean their skin as much as they want, and it will not affect the acne, unless they are using cleansers that reduce the oil in the skin. Oil in the skin can be a legitimate cause of acne.So the next time you face an acne breakout, realize that it is not likely something you did. Take measures to clear up the breakoutArticle Submission, and go about your life. There is little you can do to keep acne from occurring.
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Removing Acne Scars as Part of an Acne Treatment
Even after completing courses of acne treatment, the pimples and pustules often leave deep scars which persist years after the acne has gone.These scars are very troublesome for many individuals. Different people try different ways of concealing the. Some behind layers of makeup some keep hair styles which cover the scars and men often turn to beards, in order to hide their facial short comings.Advances In The World Of Acne Scar TreatmentWith the advancement of technology in dermatology and cosmetology, many new techniques are being used to fix scars as part of acne treatment.
Dermabarasion is a process where the skin is numbed and then scraped with a machine that has rotating diamond edged wheels. The process lasts for 30 minutes to one hour and full recovery is seen in a few weeks.Chemical peels are simpler procedures, which involve the use of acids which remove the top layer of skin. This is best used for mild scarring and often has to be repeated to gain full effect.A surgical advancement in acne treatment is the use of the punch technique. There are three main ways of using this technique. In the punch replacement technique the scar is removed and replaced with a graft and this is seen to be the most successful for deep scars. In the punch excision technique the scar is removed in the same way, but allowed to heal after wound closure.
The last technique is the punch elevation technique in which the scar is cut loose from the bottom and allowed to float up to the top.Subcision is similar to punch elevation, except that after removal of the scar, a pool of blood is allowed to form, under the scar. This clot forms tissue and thus brings the scar up to the surface.Augmentation is a procedure in acne treatment in which a material is injected under the scar.
This brings it up immediately, bringing about immediate recovery. Augmentation often follows subcision to make the process complete.Each procedure should be carefully chosenFree Articles, keeping the subject in mind and weighing it’s pros and cons. Studies are still being conducted in order to find the best and fastest way to reach an acne treatment which will get rid of these facial deformities as completely as possible.
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How Does Acne Develop - What Causes Acne
Acne is a skin disorder. Acne lesions arise through pilosebaceous units, which are made of sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the middle layer of skin called the dermis. Found over most of the body, PSUs consist of a sebaceous gland connected to a canal, called a follicle, that contains a fine hair. The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that normally empties onto the skin surface through the opening of the follicle, commonly called a pore. Cells called keratinocytes line the follicle. The primary cause of acne is obstruction of pilosebaceous canal, which can take place due to various reasons.
The opening of the blackhead displayed in dark not because of the accumulation of dirt, but due to the accumulation of melanin pigments. Papules are red buttons or injury. Pustules are like papules, but its center is filled with pus. Nodules are deep acne which can take up to 8 weeks to heal. The cysts are not a form of acne, but it is the most serious example of acne, which can reach up to several centimeters in diameter.
The cause of acne is not fully understood. Though poor hygiene, poor diet, and stress can aggravate acne, they clearly do not cause it. Greasy food or poor hygiene, acne is caused by over-production of oil from the sebaceous glands. One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne. Another factor is heredity or genetics. The tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.
Certain medications, including lithium and androgens are known to cause acne. Some cosmetics may also provoke spots, especially those that contain oils, fatty acids and waxes. Greasy cosmetics can damage the follicle cells and make them stick together, the production of a plug. Acnes Propionibacteria are many acne on the skin, causing inflammation of the buttons. Bacteria also play a part. During puberty many types of bacteria are normally present on the surface of the skin. When certain bacteria come into contact with excess oil, they enter the ducts of the sebaceous glands where they produce chemicals, which can escape into deeper parts of the skin. In severe acne this can cause big tender spots called nodules.
There can be aggravating factors. Teenage girls often report a flare-up of spots just before menstruation. Stress and certain foods, such as fast food and chocolate, seem to make acne worse. Stress causes your oil glands to overcompensate. The most common things that can aggravate your acne are cleansing your skin too much, squeezing, picking, or popping zits. Excessive cleansing, particularly with the overzealous use of abrasive facial scrubs can irritate your skinBusiness Management Articles, and worsen inflammation. Squeezing and picking acne spots may increase inflammation and can cause further disruption of the acne oil sac.
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